Thursday, December 4, 2014

Pinoy TV - TFC Most Pinoy Tambayan

As an employee, we always work and work for our family, love once and also for our family future. Where you can have your kids studying in some private schools or of course to let them grow to explore the world. I've never been like that before since we've experienced extra ordinary lifestyle in our family. I'm also thinking to go outside the country since most of pinoy's are going out there to work and earn much bigger salary.

Since there are already a lot of pinoy out there, they were looking some place what we called Tambayan. Here, we can find a lot of pinoys staying for awhile if they are already out duty or in dayoff. Most of them didn't able to watch teleserye in live stream so they just simply look for some tambayan to watch the replays of each pinoy tv teleseryes or Tv shows.

TFC - The Filipino Channel is where we can find all about pinoy tv, movie, telseryes and more. I've been an employee for almost 5 year now, and its been awhile that I didn't relax myself for so long. Now, what we do is that after out from the office, I go check out what is new in some websites. I noticed that there are some missing in some videos and some are offering a watch pinoy tv but needs to subscribe to there site or need to pay. Some are already offering free but still not in good quality. Pinoy Teleserye is working for some new and totally awesome. I home you guys keep up and make a good job. More powers.

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